TV actress Divyanka Tripathi had to undergo emergency surgery after sustaining multiple fractures. Now, she has shared a video of her workout session from that “iconic fractures day.” In the clip posted on Instagram, the star is seen with her fitness trainer Kuldeep Rawat. While Divyanka performs a shoulder stand, Kuldeep is seen explaining a handstand walk that concludes with a backflip. In the caption, Divyanka wrote, “What I was up to on the ‘Iconic fractures day’! I’ll be back to it and much more…I promise!” The actress also added a heart-eyed face emoji to the caption.

Divyanka Tripathi received a heartwarming surprise in the hospital. Her Yeh Hai Mohabbatein co-star Sweety Walia, who was also admitted to the same hospital, paid a visit to Divyanka’s room. Sweety also dropped a video on Instagram. In the caption, Sweety mentioned their characters’ names from the daily soap and wrote, “Panmi and Ishita’s love in Sickness and in Health – Kabhi Kam Na Hogi Yeh Mohabbattein #yehhaimohabbatein.”

On Friday, Divyanka Tripathi’s husband, Vivek Dahia posted a note on Instagram Stories to provide a health update about his wife. In the note, Vivek wrote, “Divyanka is on her road to recovery. A mishap occurred last evening where she fell from a height due to which she broke both her forearm bones and was advised immediate surgery. We appreciate all the love and prayers being bestowed upon us. It means a lot. To all our fans and media friends, thank you for the immense love and concern.”

“While Divyanka is in pain but only to recover from it hereon we would love for her to do so in the privacy of her home and family. Much Love. VD,” Vivek Dahia added. Click here to read in detail.

On the work front, Divyanka Tripathi was last seen in the series The Magic of Shiri.

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