The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has revealed the shortlists for 10 categories ahead of the 97th Oscars ceremony. These categories include Animated Short Film, Documentary Feature, Documentary Short, International Feature, Live Action Short, Makeup and Hairstyling, Original Score, Original Song, Sound and Visual Effects. Among the notable entries is Anuja, a short film with an Indian connect, featuring two-time Oscar-winning producer Guneet Monga as the executive producer. The project has been shortlisted in the Live Action Short category, marking another milestone in Guneet Monga’s celebrated career. Here is all we know about Anuja:

1. Set in New Delhi, Anuja explores the story of a gifted nine-year-old girl who must choose between education and factory work alongside her sister, a decision shaping their futures.

2. The cast includes Nagesh Bhonsle, Sajda Pathan, Gulshan Walia and Ananya Shanbhag in key roles.

3. The project is directed by Adam J Graves and Suchitra Mattai.

4. While Guneet Monga serves as the executive producer, Hollywood star-writer Mindy Kaling is the producer for Anuja.

5. Released in June 2024 in the United States, Anuja is produced under the banners of Graves Films, Krushan Naik Films and Shine Global.

In addition to Anuja, the other short films shortlisted in the Live Action Short category for the 97th Oscars are Clodagh, The Compatriot, Crust, Dovecote, Edge of Space, The Ice Cream Man, I’m Not a Robot, The Last Ranger, A Lien, The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent, The Masterpiece, An Orange from Jaffa, Paris 70 and Room Taken.

Oscar voting to determine the nominees in all 23 categories will begin on January 8 and will conclude on January 12. The nominations will be announced on January 17.

The 2025 Oscars ceremony will take place on March 2. Conan O’Brien will host the event.

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