Sonakshi Sinha, who is all set to play Fareedan in the much-awaited web series Heeramandi, attended the show’s screening on Wednesday night. The 36-year-old actor was accompanied by her mom Poonam Sinha to the event, where she was spotted looked drop-dead gorgeous in a black saree. Hours after attending the star-studded screening, Sonakshi Sinha treated her fans on Thursday to pictures from the screening alongside a lovely note. She wrote, “What a MAGICAL night!! Too many emotions, too many people, too much love, too many memories all that came to life on screen yesterday at the grand premier of #HeeraMandi. Thank you Sanjay sir for making me your Fareedan…So honored to share this moment with my stellar co actors and the entire team that toiled day and night to create this magic! It’s happening guys!!! #heeramandionnetflix May 1st.”
Take a look at Sonakshi’s post:
Now take a look at what Sonakshi and her mom wore last night at the screening:
Other attendees at the event included Vicky Kaushal, Ananya Panday, Rashmika Mandanna, Kapil Sharma, Fatima Sana Shaikh, Sussanne Khan, Zayed Khan, Karan Johar, Neetu Kapoor, Pulkit Samrat, Kriti Kharbanda, Rakul Preet Singh, Karan Johar, Huma Qureshi, Aditya Roy Kapur, Soni Razdan, Esha Deol and Shruti Haasan among others.
Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar, set against the backdrop of British India, delves into the intricate dynamics of Mallikajaan’s domain as she navigates challenges triggered by the return of Fareedan (Sonakshi Sinha), her late nemesis daughter. Produced by Bhansali Productions and Prerna Singh with the concept credited to Moin Beg, the series stars Manisha Koirala, Richa Chadha, Aditi Rao Hydari, Sharmin Segal, and Sanjeeda Shaikh, Fardeen Khan, Shekhar Suman, Adhyayan Suman, and Taha Shah. Heeramandi will premiere on May 1.