For all Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor fans out there, we have a super amazing update. A picture of the power couple clicked at Salman Khan’s Mumbai home has surfaced online. Alia and Ranbir joined the superstar to celebrate Eid. In the photo, shared by a Salman Khan fan page on X (formerly Twitter), Alia and Ranbir are seen posing with a man, who seems to be one of the house helps. For the Eid party, Alia picked a floral salwar kameez set. Ranbir, on the other hand, opted for a casual look with a tee paired with a denim jacket and jeans. The text attached to the picture read, “Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt at Salman Khan’s home on the occasion of Eid.” On the work front, Alia was last seen in Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani, while Ranbir’s latest appearance was in the blockbuster film Animal.
Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt at Salman Khan’s home on the occasion of Eid.
— Salman Khan Universe Fan Club (@salmanuniv) April 11, 2024
Meanwhile, a Ranbir Kapoor fan page, on X (formerly known as Twitter) has shared some pictures clicked on the occasion of Eid. Apart from the Ranbir and Alia Bhatt snapshot, we get a glimpse of Salman Khan posing with the same man.
SAME FLOOR, SAME wall color, same account. RANLIA were at bhaijaan’s house, it appears last night.
— ???? RK???? (@boyfriendkapoor) April 11, 2024
Salman Khan also greeted a sea of fans waiting outside his home in Mumbai to mark the Eid festivities.
Meanwhile, in January, Alia Bhatt and Salman Khan jetted off to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for the Joy Awards 2024. Following the event, Salman shared a group picture clicked at the awards ceremony. In the photo, we can spot legendary actor Anthony Hopkins seated in the centre. Mark Wahlberg, Kevin Costner, Eva Longoria, Jean Reno, Anthony Anderson, and Sam Worthington, directors Zack Snyder and Doug Liman, sports stars Tyson Fury, John Cena and Francis Ngannou, and influencer Georgina Rodríguez are also part of the frame.
Alia Bhatt will be next seen in Jigra and Love & War. Her husband, Ranbir Kapoor is currently busy shooting for Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana. On the other hand, Salman Khan last appeared opposite Katrina Kaif in Tiger 3. On the special occasion, Salman also treated fans to a super hit update about his next film. He will be seen in Sikandar, directed by AR Murugadoss.