Bollywood superstar Kareena Kapoor always believes in keeping it real with her fans. The actress often shares glimpses of her professional and personal life on social media. A case in point is her latest Instagram post, which features a series of postcard-worthy images from her Tanzanian holiday with her family. In the pictures, Kareena Kapoor is seen enjoying a safari session, taking in the beauty of the savanna grassland. Dressed in a denim shirt and jeans, she looked gorgeous as ever. Accompanying the star was her son Taimur, who is seen gazing at a herd of deer. In the caption, she wrote: “Savanna girl and boy. Tanzania 2024.”

Check out the post here:

A few days ago, Kareena Kapoor shared another set of images from the same vacation. Once again, she is seen sitting in a jeep, looking out at the grasslands with a pair of binoculars in her hand. Perched on her lap is her younger son, Jeh, who also has his own pair of mini binoculars. Shared post the release of her heist comedy Crew, Kareena Kapoor wrote: “Checking if you all are watching Crew. I cannot contain my excitement… blushing and gushing with all the love. Love you all,” with heart and rainbow emojis.

Around the same time, Kareena Kapoor dropped an image from the beach and said: “See you tomorrow at my favourite destination, ie at every theatre,” referring to Crew.

About working on Crew, Kareena Kapoor shared some BTS shots and wrote, “We laughed, we cried, we fought, we argued, we ate, and somewhere in between, the magic called moviemaking happened… with the best Crew ever. So grab your popcorn, switch off your phones, fasten your seatbelts, and let three badass ladies take you on your most fun flight ever.”

In terms of work, Kareena Kapoor will be seen in The Buckingham Murders. The thriller premiered at the opening night of the MAMI Film Festival in Mumbai last year.

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