Esha Deol, who was one of the many attendees at the screening of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar in Mumbai on Wednesday night, shared a shout out post. In her post, Esha Deol also cheered for her friend Fardeen Khan. The duo have co-starred in films like No Entry, Shaadi No 1, Pyare Mohan, Just Married and Darling. Esha Deol wrote, “Attended the grand premiere of the much awaited Heeramandi and I must say it was just spectacular…We were transported into that era. Sanjay Leela Bhansali ji as always in awe of you. And my dear Fardeen Khan, proud of you, welcome back. Bhansali Productions, Netflix India everything and everyone in the show was fabulous.”

“Thank you for your love and support,” Fardeen Khan replied. Here’s what Fardeen Khan replied:

Check out Esha Deol’s post here:

Meanwhile, Fardeen Khan posted photos from last night’s screening on his Instagram profile and he wrote, “Grateful and filled with love, heartfelt thanks to everyone who made our night a spectacular celebration. We can’t wait for you all to dive into the world of Heeramandi, streaming 1st May onwards, only on Netflix. Big cheers to the entire team.”

Fardeen Khan, who made an acting comeback after 14 years, at the trailer launch event of Heeramandi said, “It’s been a very long gap for me, it’s been almost 14 years. I’m extremely grateful for this opportunity to work with this stellar star cast and a platform like Netflix and of course the man himself, Sanjay Leela Bhansali. I couldn’t have hoped for a better opportunity as an actor to return to the screen.”

Heeramandi has a stellar ensemble cast that includes Manisha Koirala, Sonakshi Sinha, Aditi Rao Hydari, Richa Chadha, Sharmin Segal and Sanjeeda Shaikh, Fardeen Khan, Adhyayan Suman, Shekhar Suman and Taha Shah Badussha. Heeramandi will showcase the lives of courtesans, set against the backdrop of the Indian freedom struggle of the 1940s. The series can be summed up as an epic saga of love, power, revenge, and freedom. The series, directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali, is slated to release on May 1 on Netflix.

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