In a funny video, India captain and Mumbai Indians player Rohit Sharma was seen making a humble request to the official broadcaster’s cameraman to disable the audio while recording his conversation with Dhawal Kulkarni. Rohit made the request days after his intriguing chat with Kolkata Knight Riders assistant coach Abhishek Nayar went viral on social media. The new video has also surfaced as Rohit could be seen making a funny appeal. “Bhai audio band karo haan. Ek audio ne mera wat laga diya. (Brother please close the audio, one audio has already made things difficult for me),” said Rohit in the clip that was recorded by Star Sports.

The recent incident took place when Rohit was involved in a fun chat with Kulkarni ahead of Mumbai Indians’ IPL 2024 game against Lucknow Super Giants at Wankhede Stadium.

Watch it here:

Ahead of Mumbai Indians’ IPL 2024 match against KKR at Eden Gardens earlier, an interaction between ex-MI captain Rohit and KKR assistant coach Nayar went viral.

The video was reportedly deleted by KKR after it hogged the limelight for a wrong reason, thus further fanning the speculation. Though there was plenty of background noise in the viral video, social media users still deciphered what exactly was spoken between Rohit and Nayar.

“Ek ek cheez change ho raha hai…Woh unke upar hai…Jo bhi hai woh mera ghar hai bhai, woh temple jo hai na maine banwaya hai (Everything is changing one by one… It’s on them… Whatever, but it’s my home brother, it’s the temple that I constructed),” Rohit was heard saying in the viral video.

It is worth noting that Mumbai Indians replaced Rohit Sharma with Hardik Pandya as their captain ahead of IPL 2024. Rohit, under whom MI won all their five IPL titles, had to pass the baton to Hardik after the player traded from Gujarat Titans in November, 2023.

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