Disha Patani celebrates her 32nd birthday today. On the actress’ birthday, the makers of her upcoming film Kalki 2898 AD shared a brand new poster featuring her in a striking look. She is seen in a leather jacket and a pair of matching pants. The text on the poster reads, “Happy Birthday Roxie.” The poster was shared by the makers Vyjayanthi Movies with the text, “Wishing our Roxie, Disha Patani a very happy Birthday #Kalki2898AD.” Disha Patani’s BFF and actress Mouni Roy commented, “Woahhh.”
Check out the poster of Disha Patani from Kalki 2898 AD here:
Meanwhile, Disha Patani’s co-star Prabhas wished her on Instagram. He wrote, “Wishing you a fantastic birthday Disha Patani. Have an amazing year ahead.”
Kalki 2898 – AD boasts of a stellar cast that includes Prabhas, Deepika Padukone and Amitabh Bachchan, Kamal Haasan and Disha Patani and it showcases a dystopian world. Directed by Nag Ashwin, the post-apocalyptic film is inspired by Hindu scriptures and set in the year 2898 AD.
Kalki 2898 – AD has been directed by Nag Ashwin, who is best-known for directing the National Award winning 2018 biographical drama Mahanati. The film marks Deepika Padukone and Prabhas’ first collaborative project, while the actress and Amitabh Bachchan have previously co-starred in the 2015 film Piku. They will also feature together in the Hindi remake of the Hollywood film The Intern, which featured Anne Hathaway and Robert De Niro.