Crew has finally crossed the 50 crore mark at the box office. On day 9, the heist-comedy collected ₹ 5.25 crore, according to a Sacnilk report. So far, the Rajesh A Krishnan-directed film has amassed a total of ₹ 52.7 crores at the domestic box office. Released on March 29, the film stars Kareena Kapoor, Tabu, and Kriti Sanon in lead roles. Diljit Dosanjh and Kapil Sharma also make special appearances in the movie. Crew revolves around the lives of three friends working as cabin crew members for Kohinoor Airlines, whose peaceful routine is disrupted when they find themselves entangled in a smuggling scheme.

Bollywood trade analyst Taran Adarsh also shared a note on X (formerly known as Twitter) to announce Crew entering the 50 crore club. He wrote, “#Crew flies past ₹ 50 cr mark… The #Buy1Get1 free ticket offer on [second] Fri proves beneficial… Fri [3.85 cr] is higher than Wed [3.30 cr] and Thu [3.12 cr]… All eyes on Sat – Sun biz, the numbers should witness an upward trend. [Week 2] Fri 3.85 cr. Total: ₹ 51.39 cr. #India biz. #Boxoffice.”

In an NDTV review, Saibal Chatterjee gave Crew 2 out of 5 stars and said, “The positives first. Yes, there are a few, not the least of which is Kareena Kapoor, who turns the clock back a bit and lets her hair down without a care in the world. She comes up trumps. Tabu, too, rises above the din despite being saddled with a rather sketchily delineated character who has to carry much of the film’s weight on her shoulders.”

He continued, “That apart, at a time when a segment of Bollywood is busy foisting selective history lessons and polarizing propaganda movies upon us, a heist film out to deliver some harmless fun without an agenda, not even a feminist one (which would be in order anyway), should be lauded for being what it is – an unapologetic caper about the rich robbing the nation and three representatives of a struggling middle class seeking to pay the wealthy back in their own coin.”

Crew has been collectively backed by Ekta Kapoor, Rhea Kapoor, Anil Kapoor, and Digvijay Purohit under the banners of Balaji Motion Pictures and Anil Kapoor Films & Communication Network.

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