Shah Rukh Khan is the proud co-owner of the Indian Premier League team Kolkata Knight Riders. Besides attending matches and cheering for his team, the superstar also visits the players during their practice sessions. Recently, SRK and his son AbRam Khan were spotted at Eden Gardens Cricket Stadium in Kolkata, where the players were preparing for their upcoming match against Delhi Capitals. The father-son duo not only watched the players but also engaged in some cricketing activities with them. In a viral clip circulating on the internet, little AbRam is seen bowling to KKR star player Rinku Singh. Sharing the video, a fan page wrote, “That’s a real treasure to watch AbRam Khan bowl to Rinku Singh!”

Shah Rukh Khan and AbRam Khan were joined by Reyna, AbRam’s friend and daughter of the superstar’s manager. In another clip, King Khan is teaching the duo how to catch. Isn’t it adorable? A fan page shared the video with the text, “SRK brings joy to Eden Gardens, joining the Knights’ practice, playing with Rinku Singh, and teaching AbRam and Reyna how to catch.”

In a different post, Rinku Singh can be seen bowling to SRK, who is wearing the team jersey. AbRam is looking at his father, enjoying the moment. “Star Boy Rinku Singh takes on the real boss SRK, with little Prince AbRam in the field!” read the text attached to the picture.

A video shows Shah Rukh Khan confidently hitting the ball with his bat. The caption states, “From Bollywood to the cricket pitch: King Khan flaunting his batting skills straight from the cricket ground. A joy to watch.” 

Wait, there is more. A picture screaming father-son goals shows Shah Rukh Khan throwing a ball while AbRam stands on the other side to catch it. The caption reads, “King Khan throws the ball, and Prince AbRam eagerly tries to catch it at Eden Gardens, capturing a delightful picture of father-son bonding!”

Here is another picture of Shah Rukh Khan’s radiant smile during the practice session.

On the work front, Shah Rukh Khan was last seen in Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki. The film also featured Taapsee Pannu, Boman Irani, and Vicky Kaushal in prominent roles.

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