Bollywood veteran Mumtaz appears to be in Pakistan, sharing photos and videos from her time there on social media. Mumtaz, on Friday, took to her Instagram to post pictures from her visit to Pakistan, including snapshots with actor Fawad Khan. In the pictures, Mumtaz is seen wearing a black top and maroon pants, while Fawad is dressed in a black kurta-pyjama with a navy blue shawl.
The two can be seen photographed posing together and chatting on a sofa.
In a video Mumtaz shared, renowned Pakistani singer Ghulam Ali is seen playing the harmonium and singing a ghazal, while Mumtaz and others watch in admiration. Mumtaz also posted videos of Rahat Fateh Ali Khan performing on stage and shared a photo of herself posing with him.
Mumtaz is known for her performances in films such as Roti, Dushmun, Sacha Jhutha, Prem Kahani, Aap Ki Kasam, Bandhan, and Do Raaste, opposite Rajesh Khanna.
The actress delivered an award-winning performance in Khilona, opposite Sanjeev Kumar and showcased her talent in movies like Chor Machaye Shor with Shashi Kapoor, Jheel Ke Us Paar, Loafer, and alongside Dharmendra.
Her diverse repertoire also includes roles in Apradh opposite Feroz Khan, Tangewala alongside Rajendra Kumar, Hare Rama Hare Krishna and Tere Mere Sapne with Dev Anand, Upasna and Mela alongside Sanjay Khan, Humnjoli with Jeetendra, Brahmachari opposite Shammi Kapoor, Hamraaz with Raaj Kumar, and Ram Aur Shyam with Dilip Kumar.