In a major breakthrough in the Air India Express crisis, which had led to the cancellation of over 170 flights since Wednesday, the union representing a section of the airline’s employees has said that all the crew members who had reported sick will return to duty immediately. The airline’s management has also agreed to reinstate 25 crew members who were sacked over the protests, a statement from the Labour Commissioner’s office said. 

Conciliation proceedings were held at the Labour Commissioner’s office on Thursday and representatives of the airline’s management and the Air India Express Employees Union attended. After the meeting, a statement was released by the office of the Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) announcing the breakthrough and, importantly, it was signed by representatives of both the management and the employees’ union. 

“It is reported by the media that the cabin crew of Air India Express Ltd. have reported sick-en-masse which disrupted flight operations widely… After detailed discussions deliberation, persuasion and on appeal of Conciliation Officer and Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) the representative of union (members of cabin crew) agreed that all the cabin crew members who have reported sick will report for duty with fitness certificate immediately,” the statement said. 

“On appeal of the Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) the management agreed to reinstate 25 cabin crew who have been terminated on 07th and 08th May 2024 for reporting sick as a concerted action immediately. The management will review the cases of these cabin crew as per service regulations,” it added.

The Labour Commissioner’s office said that the representatives of the management have given an assurance that all the issues raised by the cabin crew before them and during conciliation proceedings would be looked into and resolved. 

The move will come as a relief to passengers, hundreds of whom were left stranded, especially on Wednesday when the sudden cancellations began. Air India Express CEO Aloke Singh had written to employees on Wednesday and said that the number of flights being operated will be reduced over the next few days, but the situation is likely to improve now. 

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