Actress Maera Mishra, best known for her role in the TV show Bhagya Lakshmi, is now engaged. Maera got engaged to Delhi-based dermatologist Rajul Yadav on Wednesday in a lavish ceremony in Delhi. The engagement ceremony was attended by the couple’s close friends and family members. Maera’s Bhagya Lakshmi co-stars including Smita Bansal and Hiba Nawab also attended the event. Several photos and videos from the event have surfaced on social media. One of the videos captures Rajul going down on his knees to propose to Maera Mishra. In another video, Maera is seen dancing for Rajul before taking the stage. After the engagement, the newly engaged couple posed happily with their friends and family members.
Dressed in a golden lehenga choli, Maera looked pretty. Rajul Yadav was dressed in a black tuxedo. Take a look at the photos here.
In a recent interview with Bombay Times, Maera Mishra opened up about her relationship with Rajul Yadav. She shared that she first met him at a wedding on December 1, 2022, in Mumbai. She further shared that they met again at a mutual friend’s birthday. She said, “The moment I met Rajul, I knew he was here to stay. I wasn’t in a space to enter a frivolous relationship. No one has that kind of time in today’s busy world. So, we were fully committed to each other. Although it’s been a long-distance relationship, which isn’t easy to maintain, I made sure to travel to Delhi once every two weeks and he visited Mumbai frequently. We wanted to get to know each other before making any significant decisions.”
Revealing that she will get married next year, Maera Mishra said, “After marriage, I will be moving to Gurgaon, where Rajul lives because he can’t relocate to Mumbai, as he has his grandmother and mother in his family. I will not quit acting and will shuttle between Delhi and Mumbai. I will have to balance my work and personal life. I am considering taking up some freelancing work in the interior and makeup industries in Delhi.”
Maera Mishra was previously in a relationship with Shekhar Suman’s son and actor Adhyan Suman. The former couple called it quits in March 2021 after dating for two years.
On the professional front, Maera Mishra rose to fame with her stint in Splitsvilla 11. She has also appeared in shows such as Saural Simar Ka 2, Guddan Tumse Na Ho Paayega, Kumkum Bhagya and Bhagya Lakshmi among others.