Chennai: In a surprise move, Ruturaj Gaikwad on Thursday replaced the legendary M S Dhoni as the Chennai Super Kings captain as defending champions dropped a bombshell a day before the IPL opener. In a post on X, the Indian Premier League revealed the development, a day before CSK take on Royal Challengers Bangalore. “Presenting @ChennaiIPL’s Captain – @Ruutu1331,” the IPL posted on X shortly after releasing a picture of all captains posing with the IPL trophy. Presenting @ChennaiIPL's Captain – @Ruutu1331 🙌🙌#TATAIPL— IndianPremierLeague (@IPL) March 21, 2024 Gaikwad, who has played six ODIs and 19 T20s for India,…
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Mumbai: Director Nitesh Tiwari, known for his exceptional storytelling, announced an ambitious project—a three-film adaptation of the Ramayana starring Ranbir Kapoor and Sai Pallavi in lead roles.. However, despite the anticipation, the project has hit roadblocks about film production. The Ramayan project has been shrouded in mystery. While whispers and rumors abound, there has been no official confirmation from either the director or the producers. Fans eagerly await a formal announcement, but it remains elusive. There are rumours on the announcement that the team would reveal details on Ram Navami (April 17). Ranbir and Sai Pallavi. Problems in Production? Initially,…
A Delhi Police Official is seen kicking Muslims offering prayers. This is an extreme action of hate by the police official. #delhipolicecommisioner #DelhiPolice #Muslims #namaz #prayers Original Post on FB
#DelhiPolice suspended after video of kicking Muslims offering Namaz goes viral. Original Post on FB
Scenes from Sleeper (Reservation) Coach of Amarpali Express. 2 March 2024. #railways #india #indianrailway Original Post on FB
BRS party leaders protest against MLC Kavitha’s arrest by ED at various places in Telangana Original Post on FB
BRS Khairatabad MLA Danam Nagender and BRS MP Ranjith Reddy joined Congress Source
Former MLA and Sr leader from #BRSParty, Aroori Ramesh joined #BJP. #ArooriRamesh supposed to get a ticket from #Warangal for upcoming #LokSabhaElections2024 . Source
Hyderabad: A recent report on the women workforce in India has indicated that cities like Hyderabad, Pune, and Chennai stand out as top destinations for women’s employment opportunities. According to ‘The State of Women’s Employment in India’ report by talent solutions provider Careernet, Hyderabad leads the pack with a 34% hiring rate, followed by Pune at 33%, and Chennai at 29%. In contrast, Delhi-NCR witnessed a decline, dropping to 20%, marking a 2% decrease from the previous year’s figures. Approximately, 37% of the total female population, estimated at around 69.2 crore, are actively employed. In 2023, there was a notable…
Kolkata: The Calcutta High Court on Thursday directed the Centre to file an affidavit on a PIL alleging deactivation of Aadhaar cards of people by the authorities concerned. Additional Solicitor General (ASG) Ashoke Chakrabarti questioned the maintainability of the PIL, stating that no individual case of any person affected by such a deactivation has been cited in the petition. A division bench headed by Chief Justice T S Sivagnanam directed the Centre to file the affidavit within three weeks stating its position on the allegation made in the PIL, which claimed that Aadhaar cards of people were being deactivated in…