Actor Arti Singh married businessman Dipak Chauhan in Mumbai on Thursday night. On Friday night, Arti’s cousin Ragini Khanna shared a video from the bride’s kaleera ceremony. Ragini Khanna, on her Instagram profile, shared videos from her sister’s kaleera ceremony. Ragini Khanna can be seen with an ear-to-ear grin in the video as her sister tries to drop the kaleeras, which did fall on her. Kaleeras are pieces of ornaments attached to the bride’s jewelry and it falling on a person is supposed to mean they will be the next to marry. Check out the video here:

Arti Singh’s wedding was attended by her family members and close friends. Govinda, who has had a strained relationship with his nephew Krushna Abhishek (who is Arti’s brother) also attended the wedding. Krushna Abhishek and Kashmera Shah, Kapil Sharma, Archana Puran Singh, Bipasha Basu and husband Karan Singh Grover, Mahira Sharma and Yuvika Chaudhary were also among the attendees.

Ragini Khanna has starred in TV shows such as Sasural Genda Phool and Bhaskar Bharti. She participated as a contestant on Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 4. She also appeared in Gangs of Haseepur, Dil Hai Chota Sa Choti Si Asha, India’s Best Dramebaaz and Kahani Comedy Circus Ki to name a few.

Arti Singh stepped into the Indian entertainment industry with the TV show Maayka. She has also featured in TV shows like Thoda Hai Bas Thode Ki Zaroorat Hai, Devon Ke Dev…Mahadev, Sasural Simar Ka, Udaan and many others. She also participated in Bigg Boss 13.

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