Amid the ongoing separation rumours, Abhishek Bachchan recently opened up about being compared to his actor-wife Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. In an interview with CNBC-TV18, Abhishek addressed whether these comparisons ever bother him.

He shared, “It’s never going to get easy. But after 25 years of being asked the same question, I’ve become immune to it. If you’re comparing me to my father, you’re comparing me to the best. And if I’m being compared to the best, then maybe I’m worthy of being considered alongside these great names. That’s how I look at it.”

Abhishek also expressed his pride in his family, saying, “My parents are my parents, my family is my family, my wife is my wife, and I am immensely proud of them, their achievements and everything they continue to do.”

Rumours about Abhishek and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s divorce have been circulating on social media for quite some time now. These rumours gained traction when the couple arrived separately at a high-profile wedding In July. The speculation intensified when Abhishek liked an Instagram post discussing the increase in “grey divorces,” which further fuelled the divorce rumours.

Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan married in April 2007. The two welcomed their daughter Aaradhya Bachchan in November 2011. So far, the couple have not confirmed nor denied the divorce rumours.

On the professional front, they worked together in several films such as Dhai Akshar Prem Ke (2000), Kuch Naa Kaho (2003), Dhoom 2 (2006), Umrao Jaan (2006), Guru (2007), Sarkar Raj (2008), and Raavan (2010).

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