Varun Dhawan’s revelation during his latest interview left us feeling old, very old. It feels like yesterday when he, along with Alia Bhatt, made their Bollywood debut with Student Of The Year. Even as their careers took different paths, the duo have remained best friends for years. And now, it looks like their daughters are on their way to becoming friends too!

In a recent interview where Varun was promoting his upcoming film Baby John, when he was asked about his equation with Alia. The actor mentioned that all their conversations revolve around their daughters now. 

“At the moment, the thing me and Alia discuss is babies. That’s all we are discussing. We are discussing our babies with each other and what should be done and what happens,” he shared.

While on the topic, the actor also mentioned that his daughter Lara has already met Alia’s daughter Raha. Lara is still very small but they have met,” he said. 

On being asked when will fans get to see them together in a movie again, Varun shared that even though Alia and he are really eager to reunite on screen again, but they are waiting for the right script. 

Varun Dhawan also recently opened up in detail on his experience of being a new parent. Calling it a part crazy, part wonderful experience, Varun admitted that he is a changed man now after seeing Natasha give birth to their first child. 

“Being a father to a daughter is a unique experience. It shakes you completely, making you realise how much your thinking changes,” the actor said while interacting with the media.

On the work front, Varun’s upcoming film Baby John is the Hindi adaptation of Atlee’s 2016 Tamil film Theri, which featured Vijay and Samantha Ruth Prabhu.

Produced by Murad Khetani, Priya Atlee, and Jyoti Deshpande, directed by A. Kaleeswaran and presented by Atlee, Baby John is slated to release on December 25.

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