The highly anticipated teaser of Pushpa 2: The Rule dropped on Monday morning on the occasion of its lead star Allu Arjun’s 42nd birthday and has been making waves across social media ever since. Stars across the film fraternity, be it Rakul Preet Singh or Rashmika Mandanna, have been wishing the superstar on his big day and also sending big love to his teaser. Joining the bandwagon on Monday was also Alia Bhatt. Alia Bhatt, who received the coveted National Award alongside Allu Arjun last year, wished the superstar on his 42nd birthday on Instagram. The Gully Boy star reshared the teaser of Pushpa 2 and wrote, “Happy birthday Allu Arjun. What an outstanding teaser.” Replying to Alia, Allu Arjun wrote, “Thank you so much dear. Glad you felt the teaser was fire.”

Take a look Alia Bhatt’s post:

Now see how Allu Arjun responded:

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The teaser was also shared by the birthday boy along with a sweet message that read, “I thank every one of you for the birthday wishes! My heart is full of gratitude. Please take this teaser as my way of saying thank you.”

Take a look at his post below:

Sharing the teaser on her Instagram story, the film’s female lead Rashmika Mandanna wrote, “It’s finally here. I’m so so so excited for you guys to see what more is to come.”

See what Srivalli, sorry, Rashmika posted:

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Pushpa 2: The Rule is slated to release in theatres worldwide on August 15th 2024. Directed by Sukumar and produced by Mythri Movie Makers, it stars Allu Arjun, Rashmika Mandanna & Fahadh Fasil in the lead roles.

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