Heeramandi star Aditi Rao Hydari recently got engaged to her longtime boyfriend Siddharth. Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth announced their engagement in an Instagram post in March. Aditi captioned it, “He said yes! E. N. G. A. G. E. D.” Siddharth wrote, “She Said Yes.” Now, in a recent interview with Bollywood Bubble, Aditi Rao Hydari shared why she decided to make their engagement public. Aditi said, “Jo bhi special hone wala hai, mujhe shuruat ek special jagah se karni thi. Woh meri family ka ek temple hai, which is 400 years old, I wanted to go there and do puja. There, I had a little engagement. (Whenever something special happens in her family, we visit our 400-year-old temple to seek blessings. So, for engagement, we also went there).”

Talking about her decision to make the engagement public, Aditi said, “We shared this image on social media to clarify all the rumours that were doing the rounds at that time. My mother asked me to clarify things as she was getting back-to-back calls regarding the same.”

Last month, rumours pertaining to the couple’s wedding started doing the rounds on social media. It so happened that Aditi Rao Hydari gave a Heeramandi promotional event, held in Mumbai, a miss. The host of the show said that Aditi couldn’t attend the event as she got “married.” The couple however dismissed the wedding rumours by announcing the news of their engagement shortly after. 

Aditi Rao Hydari, who plays the role of Bibbojaan in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Heeramandi, attended the show’s screening in Mumbai last night with fiance Siddharth. Aditi was dressed in her festive best, while Siddharth complemented her in a bandhgala. The two happily posed on the red carpet. Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth co-starred in the 2021 romantic action film Maha Samudram. Rumours about their relationship started doing the rounds in 2022 after Aditi wished Siddharth on his birthday. 

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