Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa, who has been arrested in a murder case, had allegedly asked three other men to take blame for the crime in exchange of cash, police said. The actor, who was arrested on Tuesday, offered the men five lakh rupees each to implicate themselves in the case.

The body of 33-year-old Renuka Swamy, was found in a drain at the Sumanahalli Bridge in Bengaluru. A food delivery agent who noticed dogs gnawing at a body called the police.

Before being murdered, Renuka Swamy was subjected to a brutal assault, bound with ropes, and savagely beaten with wooden sticks in a shed, cops said in their complaint.

He had allegedly sent obscene texts to Darshan’s co-star and girlfriend Pavithra Gowda. The online harassment and use of objectionable language are now being probed as potential triggers for the ghastly murder.

Thirteen people, including Darshan and Pavithra Gowda, have been arrested.

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