Stop everything and head straight to Salman Khan‘s Instagram timeline. The superstar posted a picture from the Ruslaan premiere night. In the frame, Salman is seen posing on the red carpet alongside sister Arpita Khan, brother-in-law Aayush Sharma and their children — Ahil and Ayat. For the evening, Salman picked a round-neck T-shirt paired with blue denims. The text attached to Salman Khan’s post read, “#Ruslaan”. Aayush Sharma plays the lead role in Ruslaan. The Karan Butani film also features Sushrii Mishraa, Vidya Malvade, and Jagapathi Babu.

Apart from Salman Khan, his brothers Arbaaz Khan and Sohail Khan were also spotted at the premiere night.  Tusshar Kapoor and Zaheer Iqbal were also present at the event. Click here to check out their pictures.

For Ruslaan, Aayush Sharma went through a massive physical transformation. A few days ago, the actor uploaded a video featuring his rigorous gym sessions. In his caption, Aayush wrote, “This is what happens when the director says we shoot the bare body fight in 25 days. It’s supposed to be in Azerbaijan and we shoot in -6 degrees. Abs which are cinematically important in reality are the muscles that can betray you very soon. Takes time to come and slight oversight and your tummy is back out. Though it’s not healthy to constantly be in a 6 pack condition I try my best to stay in shape. Unlike popular opinion, maintaining the shoot condition throughout the year is neither healthy nor advised.”

Aayush Sharma continued, “Unfortunately due to a shoulder injury I had started going easy with my workouts and not giving my best. Body had adapted to the diet so I had started eating a lot of home food to shake things up. But when Karan narrated the action sequence I was thrilled and excited, I knew this is going to be the best and most challenging sequence of Ruslaan. Not only for me but also for the whole crew. Freezing climate and uncontrolled shoot location. But the whole Ruslaan team was excited to shoot this sequence.”

Read the full note below:

Ruslaan has been produced by K. K. Radhamohan. The film was released today.

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