The BJP released its much-awaited manifesto for the Lok Sabha election this morning, underlining Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s focus on ‘GYAN’ – the poor, the youth, farmers and the women. With a bust of BR Ambedkar and the Indian Constitution on stage, the Prime Minister, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and BJP chief JP Nadda released the party’s manifesto at the BJP headquarters in Delhi.

The Prime Minister said the manifesto focus on four pillars of Viksit Bharat — women power, youth power, farmers and the poor. He said it focuses on the “dignity of life” and the “quality of life”, the quantity of opportunity as well as the quality of opportunity. The government will focus on taking piped gas to all homes and providing free electricity through solar power, the Prime Minister said.

Addressing the media, Mr Nadda gave a rundown of the BJP government’s achievements over the past decade in power. He reiterated that ‘Modi ki guarantee’ — the BJP’s key poll slogan — “is a guarantee that all guarantees will be fulfilled”.

Referring to the Covid pandemic, the BJP chief said that while developed countries oscillated between prioritising economy and the health of its citizens, the Narendra Modi government’s decisive steps helped India recover from the impact of Covid. He also said India came up with two vaccines and 220 crore doses within nine months and also helped reach the shots to other countries.

Next to speak was Defence Minister Singh, who is also the chairman of the 27-member committee that had prepared the manifesto.

Mr Singh said the BJP’s pledges made ahead of the 2019 Lok Sabha polls had been fulfilled. “What we say, we do,” he said, listing the abrogation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir, the passage of the women reservation Bill and the Ayodhya Ram Temple’s construction as its key achievements.

Mr Singh said the BJP’s manifesto has been prepared on the basis of 15 lakh suggestions from across the country and presents a roadmap for Viksit Bharat while focusing on social justice. “Modi’s guarantee is considered 24 karat gold, so our manifesto is the gold standard of manifesto for parties across the world,” he said.

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