Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff’s film, Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, is generating significant buzz even before its release. Movie buffs have already begun reserving their seats in cinema halls through advance booking. According to a Sacnilk report, the film directed by Ali Abbas Zafar has collected ₹27.58 lakh rupees by selling 9566 tickets for day 1. Out of these, 4260 tickets are for 2D shows, 5141 seats have been booked for 3D screenings, 9 tickets are reserved for IMAX 2D theatres, and 156 tickets have been secured for the ultimate IMAX 3D experience. Bade Miyan Chote Miyan is set to hit the big screens on April 10.

A few days ago, Bade Miyan Chote Miyan producers – father-son duo Vashu Bhagnani and Jackky Bhagnani‘s video went viral. In that clip, Vashu Bhagnani claimed that the film will amass ₹1100 crore at the box office. Jackky introduces himself and his father as the “real-life Bade Miyan Chote Miyan“. While responding to his son, Vashu confidently says, “₹ 1100 crore confirmed hai worldwide [₹ 1100 crore worldwide is confirmed.]” Reacting to Vashu’s statement, Jackky says, “Tathastu [Amen].”

A fan page shared the video with the text: “Oh Bhaisaab Kya bol dia Vashu Sir nei 1100cr confirmed matlab samajh jao acchi screens milengi hume Abhi mujhe full faith hai #BadeMiyanChoteMiyan pe [Oh, brother! Vashu Sir just said “1100 crore confirmed,” which means we’ll get good screens. Now I have full faith in #BadeMiyanChoteMiyan.]”

Bade Miyan Chote Miyan will be clashing with Ajay Devgn’s Maidaan at the box office. Both movies will be released on April 10. At the trailer launch event of his film, Ajay addressed the big clash. He stated, “I would not call it a clash. If you call it a clash, then it means that two films should not be released on the same day. But there are times when you have to do this.” 

Ajay Devgn continued, “Both films are of different genres. We are all like a family, we are friends. We are not looking at it like a clash, we are looking at it like a big weekend and both the films will do well.” 

In addition to Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff, Bade Miyan Chote Miyan stars Prithviraj Sukumaran in a pivotal role.

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