Hyderabad: Health services under the Aarogyasri scheme will continue without interruption in Telangana, according to the Telangana Aarogyasri Network Hospitals Association (TANHA). This announcement followed a meeting with Health Minister Damodar Raja Narasimha on Monday.
Non-emergency Aarogyasri services had been suspended by several hospitals from January 10 due to unresolved issues that have lingered for nearly a decade. In the meeting, the Health Minister assured TANHA that pending dues would be cleared within four to five months.
The meeting was attended by Health Secretary Christina Z Chongthu, TANHA President Dr. V Rakesh, General Secretary Hari Prakash, and other representatives, including Dr. Soujanya and Harish Reddy.
TANHA appealed for a resolution to decade-long issues, including revisions to the empanelment MoU, updated Aarogyasri package rates, and the clearance of outstanding payments.
Minister Damodar Raja Narasimha emphasized that the state government, under Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy, is committed to allocating funds for healthcare and education without political bias.
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