Renowned screenwriter and lyricist Javed Akhtar turned a year older on Friday. The veteran poet received a special gift from Vidya Balan and Sidharth Roy Kapoor. The couple presented a customised cake that paid tribute to Javed Akhtar‘s most iconic films, including Sholay, Deewaar and Shaan

The highlight? Well, the cake featured Javed’s face superimposed on characters from these legendary movies. A message on the cake read, “A man of character(s).”

Sharing a photo of the cake on her Instagram, Javed’s wife and veteran actor Shabana Azmi wrote, “Sidharth Roy Kapoor and Vidya Balan’s gift to Javed on his birthday. Look carefully at the cake. It’s Javed’s face in the characters.”

Earlier, actress Urmila Matondkar gave her fans a glimpse into the star-studded birthday celebration on social media. In one of her posts, she was seen posing with Javed Akhtar and in another, she captured moments with Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan. Urmila also shared a video showing Aamir Khan, Farhan Akhtar, Zoya Akhtar, Shankar Mahadevan and others singing “Happy Birthday.”

Urmila captioned her Instagram post: “An absolute epic day with some of the best talents our industry has! An afternoon full of love, laughter, affection, admiration, and great camaraderie… Because it was a special birthday of someone very special to all of us. ‘Jaadu’ in the real sense as the entire nation is spellbound with his words for decades. #oneandonly @jaduakhtar Thank you dearest @azmishabana18 for these awesome moments that truly enrich my life.”

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