For all Manoj Bajpayee and Kay Kay Menon fans, we have great news. The duo is set to share screen space in Neeraj Pandey‘s next directorial venture. The untitled project is “set against the backdrop of Indian Intelligence Agencies,” according to a Pinkvilla report.

A source told the publication, “Neeraj Pandey’s next is an edge-of-the-seat thriller set against the backdrop of Indian Intelligence Agencies. He has pulled off a casting coup by bringing two of the most talented actors of Indian Cinema on board.” 

The insider further revealed that Neeraj Pandey has secured a lucrative deal with Netflix for the feature film that will take the direct-to-digital route. 

The pre-production work for the thriller has already begun, and the makers are planning to take the film on floors in May 2025. “Neeraj is working on multiple other scripts, and is yet to lock his next for the big screen. He is excited to embark on a journey with Manoj and Kay Kay starting this summer, and plans to invest next 6 months of his career on this espionage. The film will premiere on Netflix in 2026,” the source added.

Manoj Bajpayee and Kay Kay Menon have previously worked together in the 2016 film Saat Uchakkey. Written and directed by Sanjeev Sharma, the film narrates the story of seven petty crooks who come together to find a hidden gold treasure buried in a purani haveli in Delhi. The comedy film featured Manoj Bajpayee as Pappi Jaatwala and Kay Kay Menon in the role of Tejpal. Vijay Raaz, Aditi Sharma, Aparshakti Khurana, Anupam Kher, Vipul Vig and Nitin Bhasin also play important roles in the film.

Meanwhile, Manoj Bajpayee was last seen in Kanu Behl’s Despatch. On the other hand, Kay Kay Menon last appeared in Sudhanshu Sharma’s Love All.

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