Bollywood recently celebrated the 100th birth anniversary of legendary actor-filmmaker Raj Kapoor with a special film festival showcasing all of his iconic films. In addition to the Kapoor clan, the event was attended by the who’s who of the industry, including Alia Bhatt’s mother Soni Razdan and sister Shaheen Bhatt. The actress shared a picture with them on her Instagram Stories on Sunday. The image featured the trio dressed in ethnic attire. Alia wore a white Sabyasachi saree adorned with multicoloured floral and leafy patterns, while Soni Razdan opted for a golden six-yard wonder. Shaheen, on the other hand, stepped out in a dark blue and gold kurta. Alia tagged her sister and their post in the post and wrote, “Time to change our group picture.” Take a look: 

Alia Bhatt’s father, Mahesh Bhatt, also attended the event. A video of Alia and her husband, Ranbir Kapoor, warmly welcoming the filmmaker with hugs is now going viral on social media. The clip shows Ranbir dressed in a black bandhgala paired with white pyjamas. In a heartwarming moment, Ranbir is seen quickly getting up to greet his father-in-law, shaking his hand before giving him a warm hug.

ICYDK: R.K. Films, the Film Heritage Foundation, and the NFDC-National Film Archive of India joined forces to organize special screenings of 10 iconic Raj Kapoor films under the initiative titled “Raj Kapoor 100 – Celebrating the Centenary of the Greatest Showman.” The films were showcased at PVR-Inox and Cinepolis cinemas across 40 cities and 135 venues in India from December 13 to December 15. Iconic titles like Awaara, Shree 420 and Mera Naam Joker were among the films screened for fans during the festival.

Born on December 14, 1924, Raj Kapoor had an illustrious career in the film industry. He became an icon of Indian cinema through his acting, filmmaking and storytelling. Raj Kapoor died at the age of 63 in 1988.

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