Keerthy Suresh and Antony Thattil shared dreamy pictures from their white wedding on Sunday in a joint post. In the first click, the newlyweds can be seen sharing a passionate kiss. In the next click, Antony can be seen having a blast with his friends. In another click, Keerthy can be seen walking down the aisle with her father by her side. The couple were all smiles as they exchanged rings. The carousel post also features loved-up pictures of the couple from their intimate celebrations. For the white wedding, Keerthy wore a sheer gown. She kept her accessories minimal. Captioning the pictures, Keerthy wrote, “ForTheLoveOfNyke.” Take a look:
Keerthy Suresh married her long-time boyfriend Antony Thattil in the presence of friends and family members in Goa. The actress shared dreamy pictures on her Instagram feed a couple of days ago. For the wedding, Keerthy opted for a traditional red saree. The couple can be seen sharing emotional moments as they perform the wedding rituals. The carousel post also features a picture of them with their pet-pooch. Sharing the pictures, Keerthy Suresh wrote, “For the love of Nyke.” The comments section was swamped with congratulatory messages. Mouni Roy wrote, “Heartiest congratulations.” Raashii Khanna wrote, “Congratulations.” Take a look:
Ahead of her wedding, Keerthy shared a picture from their Diwali celebrations in which the couple can be seen lighting up a firecracker and looking up at the sky. Sharing the picture, Keerthy wrote, “15 years and counting. It has always been..AntoNY x KEerthy ( Iykyk). The comments section was swamped with a whole lot of love.
Antony Thattil and Keerthy Suresh went to school together and they were high school sweethearts. Keerthy Suresh is the daughter of film producer G Suresh Kumar and actor Menaka. She debuted as a child artiste in 2000. She made her debut in a lead role in the Malayalam film Geethaanjali. She won a National Award for Best Actress for her performance in Mahanati, a biopic on the life of legendary actor Savitri.