Priyanka Chopra’s fans slammed a post of Nick Jonas, seemingly promoting Elon Musk on X. On December 17, Elon Musk reacted to a Tesla Owners Silicon Valley’s X post saying that the company’s profit increased since Donald Trump came to power. Elon Musk re-shared the tweet with the popular Jonas Brothers meme in which Nick Jonas and Kevin Jonas are seen rotating a table when Joe Jonas enters. He captioned the post, “My, how the tables have turned.”

Nick Jonas shared an image of Elon Musk pointing his finger and also wrote, “Take us to the year 3000” on his X. The tweet went viral and got 27.1 million views in no time. The Internet didn’t like Nick’s post much and swamped the comments section with negative remarks.

A comment read, “Is this a trump post?! @priyankachopra. Get your man.” Another X user wrote, “Delete this. now. this man is horrible and even if this was meant as just a joke, it’s not funny.” Another comment read, “Nick, your fans don’t appear to be too happy. What now?”

Another comment read, “Wait, you’re showing your support for Elon right before coming to Broadway?! Oof man, really bad timing. The Broadway community, we are made up of everyone who Elon, along with his maga bestie, is trying to silence. I was in auditions to understudy you, so glad I didn’t get it.” An X user wrote, “Nick stop this we all prayed for you in social studies class when you announced your diabetes in the middle of the day.” Take a look:

Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas ushered in Christmas celebrations at their LA home early. In the first picture, Priyanka and Nick can be seen posing adorably. Priyanka’s red dress and Christmas head-accessory usher in the festive vibes.

She shared a couple of pictures of her pet dog. But what caught the Internet’s attention is, Malti Marie’s playtime pictures. Malti Marie can be seen playing with a cricket bat. She can be seen enjoying cookies as well. Sharing the pictures, Priyanka Chopra wrote, “Home.” Take a look:

Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas got married in December, 2018, following both Christian and Hindu traditions at Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur. They hosted two wedding receptions, one in Delhi and another in Mumbai. In January 2022, they welcomed their daughter Malti Marie via surrogacy.

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