The Dil-Luminati India Tour is the first time Diljit Dosanjh is performing live in India, with shows all across the country. But the actor-singer is not happy with the infrastructure provided during his shows. During his Chandigarh concert on Saturday, Diljit announced that he won’t be performing live in India anymore until the infrastructure is fixed and improved. Several videos from the concert have surfaced on the internet which show Diljit making the announcement during his performance. 

In one of the clips, Diljit is seen speaking in Punjabi. He said, “Here we don’t have infrastructure for live shows. This is a source of big revenue, many people get work and are able to work here…I’ll try next time that the stage is at the centre so that you can be around it. Till this happens, I won’t do shows in India, that’s for sure.”

Watch the video here:

At his Chandigarh show, Diljit served some pretty iconic moments for his fans. He got emotional and spoke about performing on his home ground, and also dedicated the entire concert to the newly crowned International Chess Federation (FIDE) World Champion Gukesh Dommaraju. But the highlight of the evening was Diljit recreating an iconic dialogue and moment from Allu Arjun’s Pushpa, giving a shoutout to the actor. While the actor-singer admitted that he had not watched Pushpa 2, he still performed the “Jhukega nahi” dialogue on stage. 

“I have seen the first part of Pushpa. It has a famous dialogue, ‘Jhukega nahi saala (wont bow).’ If the saala doesn’t bow, why would the jija do that? Have as much fun as you’ll want; this will be your best night,” he said at the concert.


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