Years ago, Shatrughan Sinha had also slammed Mukesh Khanna for constantly taking digs at Sonakshi Sinha for her goof-up on KBC. Shatrughan Sinha told Bollywood Hungama, albeit without naming Mukesh Khanna, “I believe someone has problem with Sonakshi not answering a question on the Ramayana. Firstly what qualifies this person to be an expert on all things to do with the Ramayan? And who has appointed him the guardian of the Hindu religion?”
Mr Sinha added, “I am very proud of all my three children. Sonakshi became a star on her own. I never had to launch her career. She is a daughter any father would be proud to have. Not answering a question on the Ramayana doesn’t disqualify Sonakshi from being a good Hindu. She doesn’t need a certificate of approval from anyone.”
After Mukesh Khanna’s recent comment, Sonakshi Sinha wrote a detailed note on her Instagram stories announcing her disapproval on December 16.
Sonakshi wrote that she “blanked out” on the show and that she “respectfully” requested the Mahabharat actor to “forget” the incident that he keeps on touching upon in public “to be back in the news”.
An excerpt from her note read, “Dear Sir, Mukesh Khanna ji… I recently read a statement you made saying that it’s my father’s fault I did not answer a question about the Ramayana correctly on a show I attended many, many years back. Firstly let me remind you there were two women on the hot seat that day who did not know the answer to the same question, but you choose to keep taking my name, and only my name, for reasons which are quite obvious.”
Sonakshi Sinha couldn’t answer correctly when she was asked for whom Hanuman brought Sanjeevani booti in the Ramayana, on KBC, back in 2019. Amitabh Bachchan playfully teased her about her ignorance of the epic.
Speaking to Siddharth Kannan earlier this week, Mukesh Khanna talked about how Shaktimaan (the character Mukesh Khanna played in the eponymous TV show in the 90s-00s) needs to guide today’s generation to make them aware of their glorious past.
Without taking any names, he then hinted at Sonakshi’s inefficiency to answer the Ramayana question on KBC.
When asked if he was referring to Sonakshi, Mr Khanna said, “Luv Kush is the name of their bungalow. People got angry, ‘She doesn’t know’ [the correct answer]. I said it’s not Sonakshi’s fault; it’s her father’s fault. Why did you not tell your kids? Why did you let them be so modern?”
Mukesh Khanna has time and again hit out at Sonakshi Sinha for her inability to answer the Ramayana question. On the work front, Mukesh Khanna has teased a Shaktimaan comeback, because ‘today’s generation needs the superhero’.