Hours after Sonakshi Sinha took a sharp jibe at Mukesh Khanna’s “distasteful” comments questioning her upbringing, the Mahabharat actor reacted saying he had no intention to “malign” her. In an interview with News 9,  Mukesh Khanna said, “I am surprised she took so much time to react. I knew I was antagonising her by taking her name from that incident in the famous Kaun Banega Crorepati show. But I had no malicious intention to malign her or her father who is my senior and I have a very cordial relationship with him.”

Mukesh Khanna called out Sonakshi Sinha for her inability to answer a Ramayana question on Kaun Banega Crorepati, back in 2019. After taking several digs at her in the past, Mukesh Khanna brought the issue on the forefront in a recent interview with Siddharth Kannan earlier this week which prompted Sonakshi’s reaction.

“My intention was to react on today’s generation, which is called ‘Genz’ by elders, which has become slaves to today’s Google world and mobile phones. Their knowledge is limited to Wikipedia and social interactions on You tube. And here I had a Hi-Fi case in front of me of her which I could use to teach others. Fathers, sons, daughters,” Mukesh Khanna said in his defence to News9.

After Mukesh Khanna’s recent comment, Sonakshi Sinha wrote a detailed note on her Instagram stories announcing her strong disapproval on December 16.

Sonakshi wrote that she “blanked out” on the show and that she “respectfully” requested the Mahabharat actor to “forget” the incident that he keeps on touching upon in public “to be back in the news”.

An excerpt from her note read, “Dear Sir, Mukesh Khanna ji… I recently read a statement you made saying that it’s my father’s fault I did not answer a question about the Ramayana correctly on a show I attended many, many years back. Firstly let me remind you there were two women on the hot seat that day who did not know the answer to the same question, but you choose to keep taking my name, and only my name, for reasons which are quite obvious.”

Safeguarding her father’s honour and reputation, Sonakshi wrote,  “And lastly, the next time you decide to say anything about the values my father has instilled in me… please remember it’s because of those values that I have only said what I said, very respectfully, after you decided to make some distasteful statements about my upbringing. I wish you well, thanks and regards, Sonakshi Sinha.”

Apart from Sonakshi, her father Shatrughan Sinha had also slammed Mukesh Khanna in the past for his problematic comments. On the work front, Mukesh Khanna has teased a Shaktimaan comeback, because ‘today’s generation needs the superhero’. 

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