A 19-year-old student was found dead in her hostel room in Uttar Pradesh’s Lucknow on Saturday night, police said. The victim, identified as Anika Rastogi, was a student at Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University. Anika was found lying on the floor of her room and was rushed to the hospital in an unconscious state where doctors declared her dead, police said. 

A third year LLB student, Ms Rastogi was the daughter of Sanjay Rastogi, a 1998 batch Indian Police Service (IPS) officer of Maharastra cadre. Sanjay Rastogi is currently serving as Inspector General at the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in Delhi.

While the reason for Anika’s death remains unclear, it is suspected that she had a cardiac attack. The exact cause of her death will be revealed once the post-mortem is done, police said. The body has been sent for a post-mortem examination to determine the cause of death.

Police said that clothes on Anika’s body were intact and there were no visible injuries on her body. Cops said the hostel room was locked from inside and nothing suspicious was found inside.

According to police, further action will be taken on the basis of the post-mortem report and the victim’s family members have not filed a police complaint yet. 

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