The Delhi High Court on Monday rejected Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s bail plea and simultaneously dismissed a challenge to his arrest by the CBI in the alleged liquor policy scam.

The court directed the Aam Aadmi Party leader to first approach the trial court for relief.

However, AAP sources have told NDTV Mr Kejriwal will now move the Supreme Court.

First arrested by the Enforcement Directorate in March, weeks before the 2024 Lok Sabha election, Mr Kejriwal has now spent 115 days in jail. This is despite the Supreme Court granting regular bail on July 12. However, that was for his arrest by the ED and not by the CBI.

The CBI had arrested Mr Kejriwal in June, days after Delhi’s Rouse Avenue Court granted bail – in an order later upheld by the Supreme Court – for his arrest by the ED.

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