Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with the T20 World Cup-winning Indian team on Thursday in New Delhi. Star batter Virat Kohli, who was named ‘Player of the Match’ for his 76-run knock, opened up on his form in the tournament. Kohli scored just 75 before the final, but fired when it mattered the most, helping India lift the title in Barbados. Kohli revealed how head coach Rahul Dravid showed faith in him, especially when his confidence hit rock bottom.
“First of all, I would like to thank you for inviting us here. That day will stay forever in my heart because I couldn’t contribute much to the team in the tournament. I even told Rahul Dravid bhai that I haven’t done justice for the team and myself so far. But he told me that when the opportunity arrives, I am sure you will perform. Even when me and Rohit were going to bat, I told him that I don’t have enough confidence. But when I got three boundaries in the first over, I told him ‘what is happening? one day I am not getting a single run and now I’ve got three boundaries in an over’,” Kohli told during the chat with PM Modi.
Kohli admitted that it was indeed a fairytale end for him in the tournament, especially with the way he batted after India had lost early wickets.
“And after we lost three wickets, my only focus was to surrender myself to the team and focus on what’s best for the team. I felt that I was thrown into the situation. It’s hard to explain the feeling. Some things are bound to happen,” he added.
Kohli announced his T20I retirement moments after the final, but insisted that he will continue to play the longer formats.