India vs Bangladesh Live Updates, T20 World Cup Super Eight: Unbeaten India take on faltery Bangladesh in their second Super Eight match at North Sound, Antigua on Saturday. Rain is predicted to impact the game. As per AccuWeather, there is 46 per cent chance of rainfall during the scheduled toss time, while during the game, the chances of rain are around 50 per cent before decreasing to 32 per cent by the end. The Rohit Sharma-led side started its campaign in the round with a dominating 47-run win over Afghanistan. On the other hand, Bangladesh were handed a 28-run loss (DLS method) by Australia in their first game of Super Eight. If India beat Bangladesh, they will get closer to a semi-final spot, while their opponents will be needing a win to stay alive in the race to knockouts. (Live Scorecard | Points Table)

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