Vedang Raina, who made his big Bollywood debut last year in the Zoya Akhtar directorial The Archies, is celebrating his 24th birthday today and his co-star from his debut film and rumoured girlfriend Khushi Kapoor was among the first ones to wish him. To mark the occasion, the actress took to her Instagram story and shared a picture of Vedang with a cute puppy in his hand. The birthday boy can be seen cuddling the little bundle of joy while wearing a floral shirt with black pants. Alongside the adorable picture, Khushi Kapoor simply wrote, “Happy bday @vedangraina.” See how Khushi Kapoor wished Vedang on his big day:
Khushi Kapoor and Vedang Raina are rumoured to be dating. The speculation about their alleged romance began on the sets of Zoya Akhtar’s The Archies, which marked their acting debuts. Their rumoured relationship has since been a topic of discussion on the Internet. Recently, Khushi and Vedang were spotted together exiting the screening of Mr & Mrs Mahi. They were seen twinning in black ensembles. Khushi picked a black mini dress, while Vedang sported a skintight collared t-shirt paired with blue denims.
Addressing the dating rumours earlier this year on Karan Johar’s chat show, Koffee With Karan, Khushi Kapoor responded wittily to Karan’s question about her relationship with Vedang Raina. She said, “You know that scene in Om Shanti Om where there’s a row of people just saying, ‘Om and I were just good friends’?”
In terms of their work, Vedang Raina is set to share screen space with Alia Bhatt in Jigra, directed by Vasan Bala. The film is slated for release on September 27.