Deepika Padukone’s fashion showing up on social media feeds will always be the best pick-me-up for our midweek blues. While her minimalistic approach towards fashion exudes chic vibes, her effortless power dressing style has often paved the way for doing business fashion right. Her fashion endeavours only got better when she featured in a Cartier campaign, which was a fashion feast. For one of the looks, mom-to-be Deepika Padukone chose to deliver stunning glam in an all-black look. She paired an oversized black blazer with matching bottoms to give a chic spin to power dressing. The emerald green and diamond Cartier necklace elevated her look in no time. The actress paired her style with open-toe flats for a casual touch. With open tresses and signature nude glam, she rounded off her look.
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Deepika Padukone is a stunner by all means and her latest monochrome style for the campaign is winning our hearts. For another look, the star served a summer special treat in all-white style. In a crisp, plunging neckline top, her look exuded chic business vibes. Her stunning Cartier necklace was truly far from ordinary.
In another look, Deepika nailed the perfect fail-proof look in a black turtleneck dress that came with an oomph-oozing side slit. The sleek Cartier necklace added a stunning edge to her overall style.
Deepika Padukone does chic business fashion right in classic black and white looks.