On a narrow street in Uttar Pradesh’s Jhansi, a Toyota Fortuner ran over a 70-year-old man who was behind the vehicle. The bone-chilling incident occurred in the Sipri Bazaar area of Jhansi when the driver was reversing the car in a narrow street with cars parked on either side.

The four-minute-long video, captured on CCTV, shows a white Uttar Pradesh-registered Toyota Fortuner reversing in a narrow street. A few seconds later, a man, Rajendra Gupta, was seen getting hit and falling under the SUV. The driver, unaware that a man was under the car, reversed the vehicle for a few metres.

The man was screaming in pain as he was getting dragged by the car. When people heard the screams, they ran toward the car and the driver moved his vehicle forward. The bleeding man was lying on the road and was dragged for a few feet when the driver moved it forward.

The driver of the Fortuner got down from the vehicle as a crowd had gathered on the street, which pulled out the man from under the car. The SUV weighs over 2.5 tons and the man suffered serious injuries in the incident.

The police were called, and the driver of the vehicle offered to help. He took the elderly man to a hospital in his vehicle.

The police have registered a case of reckless driving, endangering the life of a person and causing grievous injuries under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code after the elderly man’s son filed a complaint.

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