Hyderabad: A fancy vehicle registration number plate was sold at rupees 25.5 lakh in an online auction held by the Khairtabad Regional Transport Office (RTO) in the city.

The number plate “TG 09 9999” was purchased at a whopping price of Rs 25,50,002 by a firm named Sony Transport Solutions and the number plate will be used for a Toyota Land Cruiser vehicle owned by the company, officials informed.

Also ReadFancy TG number plates sold for Rs 30 lakh in Hyderabad

They further informed that total revenue of Rs 43,70,284 was achieved by the transport department in a single day of auctioning a new series of numbers.

In March, the RTA amassed a sum of Rs 30 lakh as the auctioning of fancy TG number plates began in the city.

The Telangana government has recently decided to change the state’s abbreviation from ‘TS’ to ‘TG’. Following this decision, many have been curious about whether Telangana’s old vehicle number plates need an update. Vehicle owners who apply for the registration of a new vehicle will receive a TG number plate, whereas, vehicles that are already registered need not change it.

The first TG number plate, TG 09 0001, was bought at the auction for a whopping Rs 9.61 lakh.

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