Former Australia batter Matthew Hayden‘s daughter, Grace, had a fun day out in Hyderabad feasting on local delicacies. Grace, who is a content creator by profession, is currently working as a presenter with Star Sports, the official broadcasters of the Indian Premier League (IPL). The 21-year-old visited the famous ‘Paradise Biryani’ joint and enjoyed some biryani and khubani-ka-meetha (a dessert prepared with dried apricots as the main ingredient). She had some SRH fans for company, who helped Grace identify Hyderabad’s must-have delicacies.

“Biryani in Hyderabad is an emotion! Experience the essence of Hyderabad with #GraceHayden as she indulges in the iconic Hyderabadi Biryani alongside passionate @SunRisers fans!,” Star Sports captioned the video, which has gone viral, on their social media handles.

A couple of weeks back, SRH captain Pat Cummins had a great outing with his family as they enjoyed a Hyderabadi biryani feast. Cummins and his family visited the Southern Mirchi restaurant, located in located in Banjara Hills, Hyderabad.

On Thursday, the Cummins-led SRH became the third team to secure a spot in the IPL 2024 playoffs after their match against the Gujarat Titans was washed out.

SRH joined the already qualified Kolkata Knight Riders and Rajasthan Royals in the playoffs. The fourth and final playoff spot will be decided on Saturday with three teams – CSK, RCB and LSG – currently in contention.

Although LSG’s Net Run Rate makes it nearly impossible for them to go through, they still have an outside chance of qualifying.

LSG can still spoil the party for RCB and CSK ahead of the big game on Saturday if they pull off a heroic result.

Firstly, LSG need to beat Mumbai Indians by a big margin in their final game on Friday, taking the NRR above +0.400.

Secondly, they hope RCB beat CSK by a narrow margin, which keeps the NRR of both the sides below LSG’s.

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