Aam Aadmi Party MP Swati Maliwal has filed an FIR against Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s aide claiming that she was assaulted during a visit to the CM’s residence. In her complaint, Ms Maliwal alleged that she was kicked, punched, and abused by Bibhav Kumar, Mr Kejriwal’s aide.
She also claimed that she hit her head on a table, but Kumar still did not stop.
Here is the sequence of events which took place on Monday morning, as alleged in the FIR:
- Swati Maliwal goes inside the camp office of Delhi Chief Minister on Monday morning.
- She called Mr Kejriwal’s secretary Bibhav Kumar but couldn’t get through, after which she sent him a WhatsApp text but did not get a response.
- Swati Maliwal says she went inside the residential area through the main door of the chief minister’s house, as she had always done in the past year, since Bibhav Kumar was not present.
- The AAP MP informed the staff present there to tell the Chief Minister that she was there to meet him
- She was informed that he was present in the house and she was told to wait in the drawing room. She waited.
- A staff came and told Swati Maliwal that the Chief Minister was coming to meet her. Suddenly, the personal secretary of the Chief Minister, Bibhav Kumar, barged into the room. Swati Maliwal said he started screaming at her without provocation and abusing her.
- She says she was stunned by the sudden attack and asked him to stop. She also urged him to call Mr Kejriwal.
- He allegedly kept shouting at her, and demanded to know “what authority she had to question him”.
- She alleges that he started slapping her and “slapped her 7-8 times” even though she kept screaming. Ms Maliwal says she felt numb and shocked and screamed for help over and over again.
- To protect herself, Ms Maliwal allegedly pushed Kumar away with her legs. She alleges that he pounced on her, dragged her, and deliberately pulled her shirt up. The buttons broke.
- The AAP leader claims she hit her head on the center table before landing on the floor.
- Swati Maliwal said she was constantly screaming for help but no one came.
- Bibhav Kumar, she says, did not relent and kicked her chest, stomach, and pelvis area.
- She says she was in extreme pain and kept asking him to stop. Her shirt was coming up but he continued to assault her.
- Ms Maliwal repeatedly told him that she was on her period and that he should let her go as she was in unbearable pain.
- She says she somehow managed to free herself, sat on the sofa and picked up her spectacles from the floor.
- Ms Maliwal said she was in terrible shock and traumatised, and called the police helpline to report the crime.
- Bibhav Kumar, she claims, threatened her and said, “Do what you want to do. You cannot do anything to us. We will have your bones broken and dig you in the ground.”
- He allegedly asked her to leave immediately, but she insisted that she wouldn’t leave till the police team got there.
- She was forcibly thrown out of the residence. She says she sat briefly on the floor as she was in deep pain.
- A police team reached the spot immediately but Ms Maliwal had by then left the spot.
- 4 days later, Ms Maliwal filed an FIR and has also approached the courts for swift action.