Anand Mahindra, the chairman of the Mahindra Group on Tuesday reacted sharply to the hoarding collapse incident in Mumbai, which left 14 people dead. In a post on X, the industrialist termed the incident ”unacceptable”, and wondered how can such things happen in a city which is trying to be a ”modern metropolis.” He also highlighted the need for stringent rules to ensure public safety and prevent such incidents in the future. 

He wrote, ”14 dead. Om Shanti. 60 injured from a billboard collapse. Unacceptable. And we’re a city trying to transform itself into a modern metropolis. CM @mieknathshinde has ordered a probe into all hoardings. Stringent rules must follow.”

See the tweet here:

Notably, the 100-foot billboard, situated opposite a fuel station in the Ghatkopar area of Mumbai, collapsed during a fierce storm. CCTV footage from the area captured the metal structure tearing through the roofs of several cars before thudding on the ground. The search and rescue mission is currently in progress.

Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde visited the site of the collapse and assured that his government would conduct a structural audit of all hoardings in the city. He also announced an aid of ₹ 5 lakh to the families of each person killed in the hoarding collapse.

Meanwhile, Mr Mahindra’s tweet has gone viral, receiving mixed responses. While some said that there should stringent rules should be imposed, others said that calling for an investigation into the incident was a reactive action. 

One user said, ”Why do we learn only after such an incident and losing some lives, why can’t Govt take action in advance? The same happens in Road path hole cases as well.”

A second user commented, ”Totally agree, safety should be the top priority in all construction work. Let’s hope for stricter regulations.”

”It’s strange that the BMC didn’t take any suo moto cognizance of its illegal status when this billboard was registered in the Limca Book of Records for being the largest billboard in India last year. The families of the deceased will receive 5 lakhs, already announced by the Maha govt, as the price for human lives, and we’ll forget about the incident soon,” a third added. 

A fourth said, ”Ordering a probe into all hoardings is a reactive action because of the anger else this could have been done before the tragedy.”

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