Trisha Krishnan celebrated her 41st birthday on Saturday [May 4]. Fans and industry colleagues showered the South-Indian actress with their best wishes. In a gesture of gratitude, Trisha shared a bunch of pictures accompanied by a “thank you” note on Instagram. The first frame captures the star sitting on the floor beside a table adorned with various bouquets that she received on her birthday. The following slide shows the birthday girl blowing candles on a chocolate cake. The last slide features an image from a Sai Baba temple. In her caption, Trisha wrote, “#blessed #grateful #thankful Thanks to each and every one of you who took the time out to make me feel this way.” Responding to her post, many fans dropped red hearts in the comment section.

On the work front, Trisha Krishnan is set to share screen space with megastar Chiranjeevi in the upcoming film Vishwambhara. This collaboration marks their reunion after a span of 18 years. Their previous project together was the 2006 cult classic Stalin. In May, Trisha shared a set of pictures with her co-star Chiranjeevi and music composer MM Keeravani. The images capture the trio flashing million-dollar smiles for the camera.“A divine and legendary morning indeed! #vishwambhara,” read the text attached to the post.

Before that, Trisha Krishnan recently gave fans a sneak peek into the sets of Vishwambhara. The actress shared a clip, in which Chiranjeevi can be seen arriving at the movie sets. As soon as he reaches, the superstar is warmly welcomed by Trisha with a bouquet. Expressing her joy, Trisha wrote,  “What an honour it is to reunite with the one and only MEGASTAR after 18 years. Thank you so much for the warmest welcome Chiru sir.”

In addition to Vishwambhara, Trisha Krishnan has several projects in the pipeline including Vidaa MuyarchiRamIdentity, and Thug Life

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