Anushka Sharma turned a year older on May 1. On the special occasion, her cricketer-husband Virat Kohli hosted an intimate dinner and it was all things beautiful. Several unseen photos and videos from Anushka’s 36th birthday have been doing the rounds on social media. The soirée was a dreamy pink affair. Among the myriads of beautiful elements were the pink-themed table arrangements, adorned with an array of delicate props and embellishments. From fairy lights to pearl-adorned plates, candles, and photo frames with floral imprints, every detail spoke of sophistication and finesse.

The highlight of the evening was the personalised touch evident in every aspect of the decor. Place cards featuring the names of Virat, Anushka and the guests were kept on the table. Not to be outdone, the birthday dinner hosted by Virat Kohli was a culinary delight, with the dining table adorned with exquisite white tulip flowers, beaded mats, candles, and oversized wine glasses.

For her birthday, Anushka Sharma looked stunning in a purple-hued satin shirt adorned with pearls, paired with jeans. She completed her look with soft makeup, open hair, and a black handbag. Virat Kohli, on the other hand, looked handsome in an all-black ensemble.

On Anushka’s birthday, Virat Kohli wished her in a special way. He shared a series of unseen pictures with Anushka Sharma. From exploring the streets of London to sharing quiet moments by a lake, the photos featured it all.

Captioning the post on Instagram, Virat wrote, “I would have been completely lost if I didn’t find you. Happy birthday my love. You are the light to our world, world. We love you so much.”

For the unversed, Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma got married on December 11, 2017. They are parents to two children – Vamika and Akaay.

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