The box office numbers for Ruslaan have seen a slight increase on its first Friday. On day 8, the movie, directed by Karan Butani, collected ₹ 70 lakh, according to a Sacnilk report. So far, the film has minted ₹ 4.07 crore at the domestic box office. Ruslaan features Aayush Sharma in the titular role. Additionally, Sushrii Mishraa plays the role of Vaani, Vidya Malvade is seen as Mantra, Jagapathi Babu portrays Sameer Singh, and Sangay Tsheltrim plays Sangay Tsheltrim in Ruslaan. The movie has been produced by KK Radhamohan’s Sri Sathya Sai Arts.

Ahead of Ruslaan‘s release, Sushrii Mishraa urged everyone to watch the film. In a chat with Femina, the actress said, “My only message would be that we have made Ruslaan with a lot of love, a lot of honesty, a lot of hard work, and a lot of dreams and passion. And I would want the audience to give Ruslaan a chance to go and watch the film; we have tried our level best to make it a complete package, what we call a thali film where there is comedy, drama, action, emotion, a little bit of romance, basically a little bit of everything so that it’s an absolute entertainer for everybody.”

“When I was young, family dates used to be one thing that I looked forward to, so I really hope that everybody goes out with their families and makes it a special occasion for them because it is an absolutely special occasion for us. I hope people give Ruslaan a chance and give it as much love as we have been giving it all this while,” Sushrii Mishraa added.

Meanwhile, in an NDTV review, Saibal Chatterjee wrote, “Ruslaan is a painfully bloated concoction that features an invincible fighter committed to his national and personal mission. At the slightest provocation he launches into a harangue against those that cast an evil eye on India and continually preens about his unalloyed deshbhakti.”

Saibal Chatterjee continued, “Ruslaan is marred by the yawning gap that separates intention and outcome. The protagonist passes himself off as a music teacher who never lets his guitar out of his sight. How we keep wishing that he would choose violence over music.”

Ruslaan was released on April 26.

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