New day, new pictures from Arti Singh’s wedding album and we are not complaining about it at all. Arti Singh shared some beautiful snapshots from her special day. In the first picture, Arti can be seen walking down the aisle while her brother Krushna Abhishek holds phoolon ki chadar. Arti shared picures from her saat phere and wedding rituals. For the wedding, Arti wore a pink saree and she completed her look with an elaborate head jewellery. Actor and Govinda’s niece Arti Singh married businessman Dipak Chauhan on April 25 in a grand ceremony. Sharing the pictures, Arti wrote, “Thank you Universe for bringing us together.” Take a look:

On Monday, Arti Singh shared a few famjam pictures from her wedding day. The pictures feature Arti, her mother, brother Krushna Abhishek, sister-in-law Kashmera Shah, Krushna Abhishek’s sons and other family members. In one adorable click, Krushna Abhishek’s sons can be seen holding the long veil of bride Arti. Sharing the pictures, Arti wrote, “The special day with my most special people….my pillars#DipakKiArti.” Take a look:

Arti Singh also shared a loved-up wedding video. Sharing the vide, Arti wrote, “Arti..Deepak bina adhoori…Aur jab dono mil jaayein..Toh Ishwer muskuraake aashirwaad dete hain…Iss shubh milan ke shubh avsar per..Aapki blessings ka intzaar rahega…”  Take a look:

Arti Singh’s wedding was a star-studded affair. Govinda, who has had a strained relationship Krushna Abhishek (who is Arti’s brother) all these years, also attended the wedding. Krushna Abhishek and Kashmera Shah, Kapil Sharma, Archana Puran Singh, Bipasha Basu and husband Karan Singh Grover, Mahira Sharma and Yuvika Chaudhary attended the wedding.

Arti Singh featured in serials like Maayka, Grihasti, Udaan. She also participated in reality shows like Box Cricket League 1, Bigg Boss 13. She made special appearances in shows like Santoshi Maa, Comedy Nights Bachao.

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