The India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Monday issued a heat wave alert in a few parts of the nation. The government agency shared a map of India on X (formerly Twitter), highlighting the states that may experience a heatwave.

The text attached to the alert read, “Heatwave to Severe Heat Wave conditions very likely in many pockets of Gangetic West Bengal and Bihar, isolated pockets of Odisha and heat wave conditions very likely in east Uttar Pradesh, Sub-Himalayan West Bengal, Jharkhand, Konkan & Goa, Saurashtra & Kutch…”

Earlier, IMD shared another post highlighting some aspects to keep in mind if the region you reside in is experiencing a heatwave.

The post is titled, “Do’s during the heatwave,” and the first “suggested action” includes drinking “sufficient water/ORS to keep yourself hydrated, even if not thirsty.”

It has asked the public to “avoid/reschedule heavy work and heat exposure during peak hot hours (1200 PM – 0400 PM).”

Asking “vulnerable people” to avoid heat, IMD urged the public to “stand in shades and covered areas” during sun exposure.  “Vulnerable people (children, elderly and sick) to avoid heat,” IMD added.

Talking about the kind of clothes one such opt for in such conditions, IMD suggested: “Wear light colour cotton clothes.” In addition, it further advised to “cover your head, use a cloth, hat or umbrella.”

What is heat stroke?

Heat stroke, also referred to as sunstroke, is a serious condition triggered by prolonged exposure to high temperatures. It results in a body temperature higher than 40°C (104 F). It occurs when the body loses its ability to control its temperature. It is an emergency health condition that can lead to damage to multiple organs of the body and death if not treated immediately.

What are its symptoms?

If you’re unable to identify heat stroke, watch out for key symptoms. Look for a fever exceeding 40°C (104°F) and other critical indicators such as:

  1. Red, hot, and dry skin
  2. Throbbing headache.
  3. Lack of sweating
  4. Nausea and vomiting
  5. Rapid heartbeat
  6. Muscle weakness and cramps.
  7. Dizziness
  8. Unconsciousness
  9. Confusion
  10. Convulsions
  11. Altered mental status

First aid for heat stroke

If you suspect someone has heat stroke, prioritise moving them to a shaded or air-conditioned area. Ensure they’re in loose or light clothing. Begin cooling them with damp cloths or sponge baths, then promptly seek medical attention at the nearest healthcare facility or medical centre.

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