Sonu Sood, who has gained a new fanbase for his humanitarian work during Covid, was in a trouble as his WhatsApp account was not working. Sonu shared his grievances on his Instagram story in a series of posts. However, Sonu’s grievance was heard and his WhatsApp account was restored a few hours ago. Tagging WhatsApp in the first story, Sonu wrote, “Still my account doesn’t work…Time to wake up guys. It’s been more than 36 hours. Message me directly on my account asap. Hundreds of needy people must be trying to reach for help. Kindly do your bit.”

In his second Instagram story, Sonu wrote, “What’s Up… WhatsApp? Wake-up!! Thousands of needy people must be desperately trying to reach out for help. Kindly look into this. The account stands blocked.”

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A few hours ago, Sonu shared a new story and wrote, “Finally retrieved my WhatsApp”. He shared a laugh out loud emoji with the text. He added, “Just 9483 unread messages in 61 hours. Thanks.”

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Meanwhile, Sonu Sood loves to post from his workout diaries. Sharing a video of his intense work out, Sonu Sood wrote, “Every Morning Starts A New Page In Your Story.” The Internet also showered love on the post. A fan wrote, “Love you Sonu sir god bless you Great man.” Another fan wrote, “Weldon Captain Saab.” Take a look:

Sonu also shared a video with his pet pooch and wrote, “Pyare Mohan inspires me to workout harder.” Take a look at what Sonu posted here:

Sonu Sood is known for films like Happy New Year, R… Rajkumar,  Entertainment, Dabangg, Kung Fu Yoga, to name a few. He also hosted the Season 19 and 20 of MTV Roadies. Sonu married Sonali, who hails from Andhra Pradesh. They have two sons named Ayaan and Ishant.

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