Randeep Hooda’s weekend plans are sorted. On Saturday, the actor shared a video from his “wild weekend” adventure with his wife, actress Lin Laishram, at the Kanha National Park in Madhya Pradesh. The montage includes pictures and clips from their romantic getaway. In the opening frame, Lin Laishram is taking a selfie while Randeep affectionately embraces her. Moments later, the video transitions to the couple having fun in a pool. Subsequent scenes feature wildlife encounters with elephants, s tiger and a monkey during their open jeep safari. Towards the end, the lovebirds are seen enjoying what looks like a folk dance performance. In his caption, Randeep Hooda wrote, “It’s gonna be a Wild Weekend!! Honeymoon Diaries: Jungle mein Mangal.”

Earlier Randeep Hooda posted another video from the same trip. Check it out below:

Randeep Hooda never misses a chance to talk about Lin Laishram. The actor also shared insights about his wife during the trailer launch event of his latest film Swatantra Veer Savarkar. He mentioned knowing Lin Laishram for a long time before they began living together during the lockdown. Reflecting on their first meeting during a play, Randeep said, “She was there. She came in as a lot of people used to come in and help us out and enthusiastic students and stuff like that. So, she’s also an actor. She has featured in many films and I think she’s a damn good actor. There are fewer roles for her because of the way she looks and nothing else. So that’s where we first met, and it was not that spark and love at first sight. Ours is a deeper relationship than that.”

Randeep Hooda and Lin Laisharam got married in November last year in Manipur. Ahead of the big day, Randeep expressed his excitement about the traditional Manipuri wedding. In a conversation with ANI, the actor shared, “It feels very good. I felt that it’s only respectful to come and marry in the bride’s tradition. Though I have heard that in Meitei love marriages, the groom has to sit for a very long time. So, that’s something but I am looking forward to the ceremony and traditions. I want to experience my life partner’s culture. That’s why I am here.”

“I hope I don’t make any mistakes. And we have been talking about their culture, Manipuri culture and all that for a long time. I am really looking forward to it and hope that all goes well. I am praying for our happy future and lots of kids and lots of abundance. Yes, it’s east meets west. It’s like a traditional or cultural exchange,” Randeep Hooda added.

The couple’s wedding was followed by a star-studded reception in Mumbai. Click here to check out pictures from the reception.

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